Winner Update: Tried & True Parenting, Inc.
Hi everyone. Thank you so much for all your support. You know, my husband and I were talking over dinner one of the hardest parts of being an executive director of a nonprofit is and for all these ladies who shared tonight is those seen, heard and valued experiences for us. And so for right out of the gate, I just want to say one of my favorite things about ImpactClub® and all you sitting behind a screen, all of the virtual team is you make it your mission to champion our cause and give us a platform. So I had a tremendous experience back in November. The dollars were amazing, the most generous gift ever. I was blown away. I had lots of tears but just as huge for me was learning the power of story telling, learning how to capture the story, make it provocative, make it alluring and in a way that would capture the essence of who we are. So thank you for all those emails. I scoured all of them to really learn how to do that well. And in terms of the money you have set us up to now cross the river. So we’re housed in Cincinnati, Ohio, and we now can broaden and deepen our reach by going over to Kentucky partying, partnering with another agency that deports families over 10. So I’d actually just met with the executive director of an agency today to share with them how they can enter their clients, can enter our parenting series. We can also offer them family retreats where they can now after regaining in custody of their kids, have these beautiful experiences without screens, unplugging from the matrix to really connect and rebuild those relationships with their kids. Um, so thank you so much. I wish I could see all of you eye to eye and take you out to coffee and thank you for supporting us in this way. We’re so grateful. So thanks again.