(Your child’s success is in your hands)
The ultimate success or failure of your child, to understand the importance of being a Storyteller – and, their ability to wield this power, as a skill, to build an army of support for their ideas, business, or other social cause, etc., rests with you. It is your responsibility.
You want the school system to teach your kids?
Fine.But be warned. School is going to teach your kids how to “play by the rules.” In the context of story, they’ll learn proper grammar. Punctuation. Proper MLA format, which no one even knows what that means. But what they will not learn is how to inspire, connect, or create. Or, how to distribute their crafted message to an audience that is eager to hear it.
Every day I ask my kids two questions: 1) Who makes money in this world?
And 2) How do we get power?
The answer to the first is, “ “Problem-solvers.” While the answer to the second, “By using our words.” I don’t care if my kids go to college or obtain a “degree.” A college degree is only needed if you want, and if your kids want, to “play by the rules” of the “standardized” system. There is this thing called “Amazon University,” where you can learn whatever it is that you want. You don’t have to pay tens of thousands in tuition for a glorified guide i.e. a professor, to walk you through the chapters.
Further, as a profession, if your identity is that of a problem-solver, are you ever limited? Nope.
Because the ability to solve a solve, to eliminate the pain and frustration those problems cause, regardless of the industry, is what leads to the development of new products and services. Entrepreneurs are problem-solvers. And when you take those newly created ideas, that solve fundamental problems, and compliment them with effective storytelling, you create demand for your solution.
Demand for your solution = Control of your (professional) future.
Besides, by being a Storyteller first, for whatever secondary profession they choose, will amplify their success. Because they’ll know how to create demand for their chosen venture. Or idea. Or product or service.
Had I been a Storyteller first, pre-med student second, I likely wouldn’t be writing you right now. Instead, I’d be in the field of medicine, probably just stepping out of a long-operation as an Orthopedic surgeon. Looking back, thankfully, I got rejected. And, here I am.
The life of an Elite Storyteller, financial and freedom-wise, is far better than that of a surgeon.
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