Winner Update: Sponsors, Inc
At sponsors is by way of review, we provide transitional housing and treatment services for folks that are coming out of, uh, periods of incarceration. So if you have been over in the four corners area anytime recently and seeing new housing being developed behind sponsors, we’re putting a tiny home project back there. So there are 10 tiny homes back there. So five duplex tiny homes and that’s going to be permanent supportive housing for people with conviction histories as they make the transition back into society again. So we started construction about two and a half-ish months ago and just as normal when things, uh, in the winter time, the cost of construction goes up a lot more than anybody anticipated. So we ended up taking a lot of the work on ourselves that sponsor sponsors doing painting and some other tasks and we had to make some cuts as far as what we were planning on doing. So one of the cuts that we made, and it would have been the first time that we had to do this, was to not provide furnishings in the, uh, individual tiny homes for our clients. So with our check that we got the last time, your generosity, we were able to provide furnishings and all of the tiny homes, tiny house, a grand opening is on the 31st of January, if you’d like to come check it out and take a little tour and see what it’s all about. So a very hardy and a heartfelt thank you from Sponsors.