Winner Update: Project Horse Empowerment Center
We didn’t know about impact club until earlier in 2019 when are non-profit project horse empowerment center over in Louden County was amplified and it seemed too good to be true. Like where do you get to go to a bar and hang out with cool people, a lot of great conversation and then listen to amazing stories and there’s so much need to be fulfilled. So groups like you are doing fantastic things. It really felt too good to be true. So it was an investment. So I’d like to tell you all about your investment. So we’re in Loudon County. We have a heard of 12 rescued and rehabilitated horses and we do a lot of wellness, personal growth and development work. Your investment from may helped seven Loudon County high schoolers be okay we created a program called reach, rapidly engaging adolescents and prices with horses because there’s a lot of stress on our teens and, and it’s, it’s real problem. So we created a program. It was crisis intervention for teens in distress to quickly stabilize them in a setting where they wouldn’t feel like it was therapy to be highly effective and impactful. 100% of these kids that you all helped, they didn’t have to go to the hospital. Our, uh, one of our clients are the first ones to join our program. She had had an issue with school. That medical issue left her kind of physically challenged. After three sessions, she went to New York city on field trip, and she had the time of her life. She thought about her thoughts and her feelings, interactions, and she was able to pause. She was private. So your investment, not only helping this young lady, but six other teens and their families. So I applaud each of you and I thank you for the impact you made every time and really thank you on behalf of these seven families. Thank you.