Winner Update: New Day for Children
So for those of you that weren’t here in January, New Day for Children, for 10 years we’ve provided care and education to American minor girls age 10 to 18 who have been rescued from sex trafficking. So what we do is we raise money and then we pay for the girls’ room and board to our partner private boarding school. We pay for their tuition to the school. They see a therapist who specializes in sexual trauma and PTSD in children. We send them to a fabulous therapeutic horse camp. And then of course there’s medical, dental, vision, orthodontics and fun things. And since I’ve seen you in January, it’s been a really busy couple of months, a couple hard months too. A good majority, of course your money went to pay for those things, but we’ve done a lot of flying lately. So your money went to buy a lot of airplane tickets. I told you about a young lady that was trafficked from the age of 3 to 13 by her biological mother, and that she was in need of reconstructive surgery. I took her to the airport on Friday and we started our journey together. We ended it like we started it, and that was singing. When I took her up to campus on January 8th, we sang in the car on the way up and we sang in the car on the way down. And I was happy to take her to the airport and put her on a plane to go fly and be with her new family. And today they were in court for guardianship over her. She still has yet to have surgery because she doesn’t have a legal guardian and so it had to be canceled. But there’s a hospital in Chicago that has said that they will do the surgery that she needs pro bono. And so it’s just been, does my heart good when girls get to go on. And she has one year of high school left. She’s a bit behind in school, but super, super, super smart. And she has college on her mind and just. Thank you. I can’t say thank you enough. Thank you.