Winner Update: Mommy’s Haven
Like Mark said, my name is Lauren Mauk with Mommy’s Haven and for those of you who I saw in November, the only thing that’s grown more than my belly is the impact that you guys have had on mommy’s Haven. So we’ve actually had quite a few success stories since then. So one of the ladies that I referenced in my talk in November, she came to us about a year ago. She was pregnant, so she came to mommy’s Haven. Since being with us, she’s, had employment for about a year, year and a half. She bought her first car. She regained custody of all four of her kids are her, her little baby is almost a year now and she actually became our very first graduate of our program. She actually officially moved out about a month ago, which we are very sad that she was leaving, but also very proud, you know, that that we helped her get on her feet. If you don’t know what mommy’s Haven is, we are a maternity home. We’re located in Lowell, Indiana. But we serve all of the surrounding areas and we offer housing and program services to pregnant women in need. So anything across the board that they could need from material donations to programs, to parenting classes, substance abuse, you know, recovery programs, anything that they need on that case by case basis to provide a healthy life for themselves and their baby. That’s on the way with the donation that you guys provided. Thankfully last in November, we were actually able to fund us six months of our parenting class, our infant care class, and our self care class, which is hygiene and those kinds of things. Thank you guys for your donation.