Winner Update: H.U.G.S.

I would love to tell you that H.U.G.S. has its tiny house community up and running, but we don’t. Things always move a little bit slower than Annemarie wants to. You know you guys pretty much doubled our money. So what that did, that gives us street cred so any house we buy, any property we look at, they’re all going to want financial statements. And that’s just going to make us look like we can play with the big dogs.

So thank you. I just I still can’t believe it, but I really thought after we won the Impact Club award in January that we would go out and buy a tiny house. Well it so happened that we actually found land. Well we put in down earnest money and an offer and they turned it down.

I think what they’re afraid of is that we’ll put a bunch of people on that property even before houses are built. Which we probably would because we are very, very, very dedicated to fulfilling our mission and that is that no person belongs on the ground. Thank you.

Annemarie Landry
Steps Against Homelessness

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