Winner Update: Colin’s Hope
Thank you so much. ImpactClub®. Three months ago, I believe, May 16th, I sat in front of you and made my pitch just like these three ladies did and I told the story, I wasn’t able to have props then, but I have a prop now that you can see. This is Collin. Colin’s Hope is our organization and I had asked you, to invest in Collins hope and become a revolution to help us start a revolution of water Guardians, help us end drowning. Drowning is the number one cause of unintentional injury related death for children under five, but it’s preventable. You are kind and gracious enough to award us. I believe it was $9,400. I can’t tell you how much those funds mean to us as an organization. We say we’re small but mighty. A couple of the things that we’ve done with those funds since we last spoke, we educate parents and caregivers. We’ve distributed 75,000 of these parent and caregiver educational tools all over the country. So if you’re listening and you want to get some to handout in your own community, you can do that on the Collins Hope website. We have put life jackets at loaner stations at local area, swimming holes and lakes. So, if people show up to the Lake and need to borrow a life jacket, they can borrow them because these are a layer of protection against drowning. We have a water safety curriculum that we’ve been getting into preschools and camps, multiple camps and swim schools and all over the place educating kids. Again, we believe in educating parents and caregivers about water safety as well as educating kids. So we’ve been doing that. The stories that I told you were of Collin who tragically drowned in a lifeguarded pool in 2008 and a little three year old that day, when I spoke to you had drowned in our community in a backyard pool. When we talked then there were less than 20 Texas children that had drowned this year, fatally drown, and sadly, the number today is 75. So in three months, we’ve gone from losing 20 Texas children to 75. We work across the country to try and tackle this issue. It’s an epidemic. The funds that you provided to us are making a difference. But Collin used to say, today was the best day ever. That was his thing. That’s our mantra as an organization. So, thank you. ImpactClub® members and have the best day ever.