Winner Update: Boise Angels

We offer wraparound support to the foster care community. We do that primarily through the Love Box program. We match families from the community, or volunteers from the community, with foster families in our community. And, why the foster families are so grateful is because they have told us that the second they sign up to become foster parents they become isolated, and they lose their community automatically. So, when we match these volunteers with these families, I could tell you lots of stories of when we have the initial assessment and this bond is just created. There’s like a specific person there to support them through this role of fostering these children, And really, our hope is that if we are offering support to these foster families, that they are keeping their homes open longer, that these children will feel that support, and that they will age out of the foster care system in a positive way. And really, the fabric of our society will change because foster kids are a huge percentage of the homeless population, sex trafficking, all of those things. So really your donation has changed the fabric of Idaho. And so we are so grateful for that. So your donation, how we used it. In order to match all these people, we have to have what we call “case managers.” And so the case managers are our matchmakers. They are the ones who organize and plan and assess all the needs of the volunteers and the prospect families are our matchmakers. And so we were able to hire our first case manager through your donation. She is now at max capacity. This month we are hiring our second case manager. So, we’re very excited. Thank you. It’s very very exciting and we would not be able to do that if it weren’t for your support. And so we are just so grateful. We would love for you to continue connecting with us and supporting us. You have my permission to get your cell phone out right now and follow us on Instagram or Facebook. So we’re @BoiseAngels. We often post different ways that you can connect with us. So, and mainly just a little plug, shameless, three ways that you can get involved with us. Of course, like every nonprofit, we operate out of grants and donations like yourself. So we’re always looking for financial support. But also if you’re interested in volunteering, we always love volunteers, or if you know a foster family to refer. And the third way that might be cool is that if your business or place of employment would like to have what we call an engaged culture day, where one of us will come and talk about our mission and then you will do a hands-on experience that we will pass on to the foster community. So anyway, thank you so much. You really helped us launch forward and we’re so grateful.

Amy Curry
Making Wraparound Possible

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