Winner Update: Genesis House
The money that we received…We’re in the process of repainting the shelter bedrooms. We are having the carpet torn up out of the bedrooms that we have. We’re having some linoleum-type, the hardwood look floor put down. We’re getting new bedding, new bedbug cases because we cannot turn people away even if we see bedbugs crawling. We get them in the dryer, we turn them on high, we go through that process. We have to take all the measures we that we can possibly take to make sure that they don’t get anywhere else. One of the necessity things that we have to do is getting the bedrooms furnished and making them as homely as we possibly can and not cold.
Our shelter stays full. For the past, probably, six months, we may have a bed come open in one room, but within two nights, that bed’s full; it’s taken. It’s really hard to plan painting parties when that room’s being taken, so we’re just having to work around that and make sure we don’t put anybody out.
Thank you so much! We appreciate it very, very much.