Winner Update: NourishNC
NourishNC provides nutritious food to the one in four children right here in New Hanover county, that’s struggle with hunger. And so, to that end, we used part of this, your wonderful gift, to purchase food to stock the shelves when school started in September. And as Chris alluded to, Florence had some other plans for us. But [inaudible 00:00:22] timing that as the storm hit, we had just put $65,000 or $70,000 in food inside of our warehouse, which isn’t covered by insurance, so we were kind of holding, we were kind of wringing our hands, saying, “I hope we make it through here.” The warehouse door blew open, off the hinges. The big bay door blew open. We had 17 leaks, and we lost one case of peanut butter in $65,000 worth of food. Because of that, Monday morning, two days after that storm, we were putting out thousands of relief bags and relief boxes to children and families in this community with your money and that’s why I couldn’t be here. Thank you. It’s not just about feeding them when school’s not in. A lot of of our children rely on free lunch. It’s about letting them have dinner with their families, wherever they are, in that hotel room, in their home, wherever that may be. As we approach the holidays ere, y’all, I think it’s important to remember it’s not the things that matter. It’s the things we do that matter.