Winner Update: Hope’s Community Closet
Okay, hi everybody. I’m Krissy Allen, I’m the founder of Hope’s Community Closet. This is Nicole Gann, she is an Impact Club member, and also a long time volunteer with us.
Hope’s Community Closet is a program, we’re located here in Temecula. We provide clothing at no cost to low income kids, kindergarten through 12th grade. We outfit them, help relieve the burden for the parents, and also help kids to feel confident and happy when they go to school. We got together, a bunch of our volunteers, and we had a steering committee meeting, and just talked a little bit about what’s going well, what we can improve on, and just some of the challenges we’re facing.
There’s a population of kids that we felt were being underserved by us. So those are the kids that are living in foster group homes, kids that are living in a domestic abuse shelter with their parent, with their mother. We also have kids that are homeless, that are living in the homeless shelters. A large population are the kids who’s parents do not speak english. Because of Impact Club, we’re starting a pop-up boutique program where we will go to those underserved communities, to those homes and different things.
Nicole is our new program director. The program is called Hope On The Go, and we are excited now to be able to not only serve those families that come into our store, but because of this program, we’re gonna be able to serve so many more in this community. So thanks to Impact Club, this is the launch of Hope On The Go, alright? So thank you all.