Winner Update: Heart Kids South Canterbury
I spoke about a wee girl who was born on a Wednesday, the 9th of May, and had her first open heart surgery two days later. She went back to theater the next day to have her chest closed. Then she was rushed back to Starship on the 3rd of August for her second heart surgery, and had a third on the 29th of October. This wee girl only got home on the 7th of November, so has been up there for over three months while dad and the two year old sibling were still at home. Yet we continue to support this family by paying for their two year old’s flights to Starship once month, a gift box each month and a goodie bag for the two year old. I also spoke about three new families. One wee boy has had his open heart surgery, now at home and doing well. The other wee boy met with the cardiologist and may not need surgery. The wee girl had her surgery postponed twice as of emergencies coming in, but now is at home and doing well. We’ve had another three new heart babies and two new internatal moms. That’s three internatal moms in five months and two within a week. In September, we had four families in Starship and in October, we had six families. And we have another family heading to Starship in December and another one in January. We’ve never had this many new heart families and babies and internatal moms at one time in the last 18 and a half years that we have been going. So, your generous donation has been a massive help. We’ve helped these families with the internatal subsidies, travel grants, gift bags, and welcome home packs. You can see your generous donation has made a huge impact for our families and a massive help to our committee. Heart Kids South Canterbury could not do what it does without the generous support of a caring community and we are so privileged we live in one. From our hearts to yours, thank you.