Winner Update: Family Emergency Shelter Coalition (FESCO)
So, since receiving the $4800 we have been able to serve 61 individuals of 21 families with that money. The best part is we haven’t even spent it all yet if you can believe that. Also, during that time, we have provided over 12,000 meals and over 3,000 bed nights to homeless families in mid-Alameda county. That’s families with children who were previously living in their cars or sleeping in a basement or a grandma’s and had to leave.
Just a recap from last time. We are the only shelter in Mid County that serves single fathers with children as well as couples with children, as well have families that have adult children with disabilities.
With the money so far we’ve been able to provide 12 families that have exited Bayan House, which is our transitional housing facility in Hayward, as well as our shelter with household items that they didn’t have.
A lot of the times families come into our programs and they literally only have the clothes that they were wearing when they came in. When we were able to provide these 12 families with more stable housing when they moved in we were able to provide bedding, linens, pots and pans, dishes, and we were also able to help a family that came in with a newborn baby girl, a stroller.
That’s not all. We recently were able to launch a pilot program with Fairyland in Oakland. Are you all familiar with Fairyland? It was really exciting because they chose our shelter to invite our families on weekends to come have a safe family friendly environment, but in order to get there, they needed car seats and booster seats. We were able to purchase those much-needed items so the families could get in those lifts, get to fairyland. They had free admission and lunch and got back to the shelter.
So, from all of us FESCO and the families that we serve we thank you so much for your kind contributions. You guys really made a huge impact.