Winner Update: Commuity for Heroes
Definitely good to be back, especially to give you a little bit of an update. I told you this last time we were going to take the money that we received from you guys and that was all going to go to purchasing land. We’ve identified land and we’re getting closer to being able to purchase. Well, we used $3,000.00 out of the $9,950.00 that we received. That essentially helped out nine veterans, getting them housing, food, ID’s so we can get them in housing. $1,800.00 actually went to housing, getting people deposits, stuff like that, that they didn’t have. It’s been amazing and the advertising that we got from receiving the award from you guys put us out there which lead to us going to live church and receiving $5,000.00 from them. The realty firm, they’re giving us $5,000.00. There’s another gentlemen who’s giving us $5,000.00 and all of this started with you guys. So it definitely ends with the ones that opened the doors for us in this community and it’s made a huge impact for me. Besides just being able to help out veterans, I’m so much closer to that be able to see us actually purchase land and it’s so much closer. We’re just a few thousand dollars away and it’s just been a blessing.