Winner Update: Boys & Girls Club of Kootenai County
Real quickly just kind of wanted to recap. Since March, we’ve had basically 3 months, and just kind of share some things that have taken place. We just got ready, we just got through this week training all of our staff. This year, on April 1st, we started signups. We signed up 1400 kids this year in seven and a half hours, so that’s seven and a half hours, 1400 kids at two locations, both our Post Falls club and our Coeur d’Alene club . And we would have not have been able to do it, we would not be able to have the staff that we have for the summer program, without all of you. We have trained over 15 paid interns. We have 15 kids that grew up in Boys & Girls Club, went through an 11 week curriculum, learned about positioning, body language, how to work with kids, and after 11 week curriculum, they’re actually now working with us as paid interns for the summer. So club kids have their first job at the Boys & Girls Club. Since we’ve talked last, we have served 23,000 snacks. We’ve signed up five businesses for volunteer opportunities. Boys & Girls Club, for hundreds of kids, is their home away from home, and we couldn’t have done it without you guys. So from the bottom of our heart, all of our kids, our board, C’Nedra the rest of the staff; Thank you guys for thinking of us in March. And I do not envy you, you guys have a very tough decision to do this month. So thank you guys so much.