South Canterbury: Donates $11,000
Through Impact Club, as Impact Venture Capitalists, we invest heavily in local charities that demonstrate a powerful “Story Engine,” and, have proven their willingness to fight for their cause – by competing in and winning, a high-stakes competition. As a result, Impact Club, through Impact Venture Capitalism, has dramatically multiplied the Impact that a single person can have on charities in their local community.
The Charities

YMCA South & Mid Canterbury impacts the lives of over 4500 people every year. Think you know what we’re about? Think education. In our BodyMindSpirit and Opihi Services Academy programmes we work with learners who have disengaged from mainstream education. We help them achieve NCEA Levels 1 and 2 and develop their belief in their ability to succeed. Through our Skills4Life programme, we work with people for whom reading, writing and maths is a real challenge. Without these basic skills, many doors in life are closed – we help to open them.

We are a non-profit charitable organisation set up to support amateur elite athletes in SOUTH CANTERBURY who have achieved at either NZ Development or National Level in their chosen sport. ASPECT has developed a program of Scholarships which includes mentoring, professional fitness and nutritional advise and also a provides an environment where young athletes can come together and compare knowledge and skills around preparation and the physiological approach to preparation for their sport.

For more than 25 years Life Education has been empowering children throughout New Zealand. Every year over 250,000 children from primary and Intermediate schools are involved in the Life Education programme. Through lessons in our mobile classrooms and teachers using our resources in schools, children learn about healthy eating, being a good friend, good and bad substances and how their body works. We support and offer schools a shared planning approach to ensure we are meeting individual children’s learning needs.