Aspect Trust
We are a non-profit charitable organisation set up to support amateur elite athletes in SOUTH CANTERBURY who have achieved at either NZ Development or National Level in their chosen sport. ASPECT has developed a program of Scholarships which includes mentoring, professional fitness and nutritional advise and also a provides an environment where young athletes can come together and compare knowledge and skills around preparation and the physiological approach to preparation for their sport. ASPECT Trust is a Charity that provides for the other end of giving, the end where we are making a difference in people’s lives while promoting and supporting young people who work hard and commit themselves to achieving very high goals in sport. These young athletes go on to being great role models and very productive members of society. The philosophy is simple, excellence in sport develops excellence in life by developing life skills that are transferable in any endeavour and that has an on-going and positive knock on effect for one’s Whanau, Hapu and Iwi and beyond. ASPECT recognises the need to promote sport on every level because it provides a healthy environment in which young athletes grow and develop into great young adults.