Winner Update: SevaDog
One of the things that we mentioned last time was about the forever homes that we were planning to use the money to help build houses. We actually are in now, we’re going to wait a little longer because obviously, it’s very cold outside. We drew out all the plans. We have all the blueprints, essentials. Now, we have all the money allocated, set aside so come spring time, we’re going to hopefully see some pictures of some real houses that we’re going to be putting up ourselves. Which is pretty darn exciting. Some other things that happen now with the money, was a huge thing was, vet bills. We had, unfortunately, my sister’s personal dog was having autoimmune disorder which is a situation where the dog just started bleeding out of random parts of it’s body. No, seriously, it was crazy. It was like out of it’s eyes, out of it’s you know where. It was just insane. We had nothing. We had nothing to go with. We didn’t know what was going on. The vet bills were just racking up and I’m like, “Guys, we don’t even know what’s happening. What are we supposed to do?” Fortunately, we were able to give him the opportunity to survive with what you guys give us so that was pretty amazing. Then the biggest thing was keeping the place warm. Being able to buy coats. Being able to buy blankets. Being able to buy heaters. Proper insulation, it’s a giant, brick, concrete building and so the walls get really cold. What we were able to do is we were able to well insulate the ceiling and the walls and provide more heaters so that the dogs never got cold. Then we were also able to open up a few more spaces for more animals to come in. We’ve been taking dogs in from Green Hill and some other rescues in Eugene and like the surrounding area. We give them an opportunity to be rehabilitated and adopted out to folks in our community. The money has been very well sent. Thank you guys so much.