Winner Update: CASA of the Fox Cities
I want to tell you what’s been happening at CASA and how you’ve helped us. We’ve been serving 146 children since the beginning of the year. And because of your support and your donations, we were able to fund 80% of the staffing that we needed to serve more kids.
80% allowed me to take a 30 hour staff member, raised her to 40. It allowed me to hire a 40 hour full time staff member. That means I can serve another 37 advocates. That’s 70 to 90 more children that I can serve in our community.
Your donations not only allowed my organization only to have to fund 20% this year, but it gave us the time to make sure that we could fund these positions in 2019. So you’re allowing me to serve 70 to 90 more kids. And from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for that. We’re giving them a voice. We’re giving them a chance to remember the happiness. To have time with their family.