I Made A Mistake

“Impact Venture Capitalists”

Morning Team,

I felt the need to shoot you an update, because we recently made a mistake. One of the things I’ve always promised, is radical transparency. Some companies worry about credibility, because they spend more time trying to hide their mistakes, than admitting them and fixing them.

A few weeks back, I met with the tech team to outline an entirely new Nomination Process for ImpactClub® events.

That solution was devised based on the data and feedback that we’ve learned over these past 20-months, that we didn’t have on day one – when we initially devised the first process.

But more pressing, we are striving to remove human error.

Amazon warehouses uses robots to complete repeated tasks, because programmed robots are more dependable. They don’t miss things. They don’t lose things. Whereas humans, well, we’re human.

And today, I was that human.

My team and I, which means, just I – because my team is an extension of me – made a mistake. As we were selecting charities (and seeking to confirm three) for an upcoming ImpactClub® event, it was brought to our attention that a portion of the nominations were NOT entered in prior to selection.

It was not the mistake of our Co-founder. It was not the mistake of any members. It was not the mistake of my team.

It was my mistake.

And although all charities nominated did receive an entry nomination, some of the duplicates were omitted on accident.

Upon discovering this, I immediately met with my team. I apologized to our local Co-founder, and I am apologizing to you here. I realize, in all liklihood, you would have never known…

But that is NOT how I want ImpactClub® to operate.

Integrity is everything!

As my grandpa once told me, “If you make a mistake, own up to it.” Followed by the wisdom, “Don’t wait until you get caught.” Better words, in my opinion, have never been spoken.

Our members’ trust (yours) can NEVER be taken for granted.

I can’t promise that I’ll never make a mistake.

But I can promise to own up to the mistakes that I do make, the moment I make them, followed by the immediate action to fix them, so that those same mistakes do not repeat themselves.

I hope you’ll understand, and forgive me.

Our aim with the new Nomination Process is make it more automated. More streamlined. So that the data doesn’t need to be processed manually, making it less susceptible to human error.

Further, it will solve the 4 pressing problems that we have experienced routinely and repeatedly. In the coming weeks, once the tech team has a working model of it, I’m excited to share it.

It also aims to create Relationships with our local non-profits, sooner.

To make more impact, locally.

But I wanted to write you, to apologize for my mistake.

I will always be transparent.

Those Nominations that were accidentally omitted from the Selection Process, will be included in the Selection for the next Event. They were not lost. They will just be delayed.

Again, I apologize – and will keep you all updated – always!

Keep Inspiring,


Co-Founder, ImpactClub® – forever Grateful.

PS: Encourage everyone you know to learn the language of Story. If they do, business, life, fundraising, relationships, the attraction of opportunity, clients, money, love, etc. will be much easier for them.

PPS: Favor to ask? ImpactClub® is a registered trademark. Let me know if you see anyone using it unauthorized. Our legal team would be interested in knowing, to protect what you, I, all of us, have/are building.

About IC

Impact Club® is Crossfit® for those who want to make a difference. We are Impact Venture Capitalists. There are local and national leaderboards. We compete. We use our intelligence, connections, propensity to solve problems, committed hearts, and unrelenting conviction to turn small donations into huge impact.