Richard Carbaugh’s Hope Foundation
The Richard Carbaugh Hope Foundation is an organization founded by his mother, Gina Carbaugh, in January 2014. The inspiration behind the establishment of the foundation is attributed to Richard, and his dream to help and support those suffering from drug addiction. His passion spawned from his own personal struggles and experience with addiction; which made his desire to help others that much stronger. Drug addiction can not only ruins lives, but take them as well. Across America, in both cities and suburbs, heroin and related overdoses has become an epidemic. More specifically, Frederick County has had alarming occurrences of overdose deaths as a result of heroin and opiate related drugs. In 2013, Frederick County reported a 200% increase in fatal heroin-related overdoses from the previous year. We recognize and aim to address the shortcomings within our current infrastructure which has contributed to the drug problem we face today. The Richard Carbaugh Hope Foundation aims to “Take Back Our Community and Help Save Lives”….Together we CAN make a change. Drugs do not discriminate and we want to be recognized as a place of support for ALL affected by drugs through multiple approaches.