The Good News Community Kitchen
TGNCK is charged with rebuilding and strengthening communities by fighting hunger one meal at a time through valuing and leveraging community differences and uniqueness. Through Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs we build rapport through feeding those in need to ultimately assist each client with effectively transitioning into their greatness. From providing school supplies, coats, blankets, professional attire, hygiene items, resume writing workshops for Veterans, women empowerment workshops, performance-based-interview developmental workshops, literacy initiatives, holiday meals, Christmas gifts to children in foster care and food, we collectively unite to increase our effectiveness and influence on target areas that affect our community. We are responsible for our community, accountable for being the difference we want to see and are charged with adding value to the lives of others. Our success depends on our most important resource, you! Your support, inspiration, time, effort, creativity and belief position us to be successful…and we need you!