Teen Hope of Idaho
Teen Hope of Idaho was born out of need. The need for an organization like this was discovered when my husband and I went through our own personal journey with our son. Our son, at 14 became depressed, angry, and eventually out-of-control. We reached out for help within our church; we tried counseling, parent training courses, medicine, mentoring, parenting books—anything we could find that might be helpful. Nothing we tried worked, and we watched our son slip deeper into harmful behavior. In desperation, we sent our son to a residential program. Thru this program, we learned effective parenting techniques, and with the support of the program, we made positive changes within our family. I realized if we’d had this kind of support and help at home, we probably could have helped our son within our home. Teen Hope provides families with the help we received from the residential program with additional, crucial services we knew families would need. Our mission is to establish a support system customized for each family’s needs. We believe when a teen is in crisis, the whole family needs help. Our families receive counseling, mentoring, parent coaching, crisis calls, group therapy, experiential therapy, and we even have a parent support group.