South Canterbury Rural Support
The South Canterbury Rural Support Trust was formed in 1998 in response to the economic and climatic conditions affecting the rural community at the time. We are one, of a network of 14 Trust’s operating nationwide in support of rural communities. Each Trust operates independently in their regions but do enjoy collaboration with each other, both in growing our capabilities nationwide and supporting each other during regional adverse events. The Ministry of Primary Industries supports each Trust with a nominal Administration Grant and in return we provide local feedback on issues facing our rural sector locally. Primarily manned through voluntary efforts we respond to calls on a wide variety of matters affecting our rural community. Everything from employment related matters to physical or emotional difficulties. While we focus on increasing our capabilities to respond appropriately our skill is in identifying the need and facilitating appropriate connections, from our wide network of local professionals. During major adverse events such as droughts or heavy snowfalls, or significant Biosecurity Responses such as Mycoplasma Bovis our role in supporting human and animal welfare needs is formalized with MPI and provides a vital opportunity to fully inform the response of the priority issues to address.