Sojourner Truth House
Sojourner Truth House is a 22-year-old Day Center sponsored by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to help homeless and at-risk women and their children by providing hospitality, advocacy, integrative services and collaboration in a safe, trusting environment. We also have a pantry for all Gary residents and a women’s closet both open three days a week. Over 2000 people are helped each month. Our case management services work with women from their stay in the three shelters with which we partner through their being housed. Because there is not enough affordable housing and because there are so many issues and barriers for them, it takes a while to help our clients achieve our common goal–stable housing. If they allow us, we continue to work with them until that is achieved and beyond. Because our classes and case management services are so intense, lives are transformed. One client stated, ” When I say they changed my life, I mean they changed my life.” This woman now holds a full-time job and manages a local shelter. We take steps to end homelessness, one woman, one family at a time.