Shelter Hope Pet Shop
Shelter Hope pet shop was founded in 2011. Shelter Hope is designed to alleviate the crowding in shelters while helping families feel comfortable adopting a pet. Shelter Hope animals have been rescued from death row and we are not shy about telling their stories. It is important for the public to know what happens to animals that are overbred or animals that are purchased from pet shops and then discarded like garbage. Veterans as well as challenged individuals and kids needing community service hours including at risk teenagers are able to have a purpose while helping us to re-home animals. Kim Sill the founder of Shelter hope worked with Last Chance for Animals for four years and while working undercover with puppy mills she decided to create a national campaign to show shelter dogs in retail spaces. While Kim worked for LCA, she protested puppy mill pet shops, shut down six and reorganized four others to only adopt out rescue dogs. Hundreds of shops opened that copied the model that she created and many cities across the nation have banned the sale of massed produced dogs and only allow the adoption of shelter dogs.