Phoenix Foundation of Maryland
In the Spring of 2018–inspired by the endless tragedies in their community and the films ANONYMOUS PEOPLE and GENERATION FOUND–a group of residents in Frederick, Maryland recognized the need for safe educational and social options for young people beginning their journey in recovery from alcohol and substance use disorders. Investigating the need for recovery education and alternative peer groups in the Frederick area, the group made three initial findings: First, schools that offer safe harbor to protect a recovery life-style and provide quality education are nonexistent. Second, very few substance abuse treatment programs for adolescents exist. Third, there is a need for sober living homes, especially those supporting women. Members of the group met with officials of the National Association for Recovery Schools and had visited a recovery school in Philadelphia to help determine strategies and goals. By July 2018, the group had organized under the following mission, vision, and goals. To serve those affected by alcoholism and drug addiction. Our vision is to establish recognized, effective, and respected programs that provide recovery opportunities for the underserved populations in our community.