Nourish NC
NourishNC is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to “Provide healthy food to hungry children, empowering them to succeed in the classroom and in their community.” NourishNC serves the 1 in 4 children in New Hanover County that struggle with hunger. Hunger wreaks havoc on a child’s mind, body, and spirit. Our goal is to enhance children’s health and well-being by preventing the devastating consequences of child hunger and food insecurity. We are committed to providing our community’s most vulnerable children with nutritious food. Our programming reflects our vision to be anywhere and everywhere food insecure children need us. Our programs include: The Backpack Program: Our flagship program provides 1,000 children from 43 schools with nutritious food every weekend and over all school breaks. This program is celebrating its 1oth year feeding children! Pantry Pals: We provide schools and other nonprofits that serve children with emergency food, fresh fruits & vegetables, and healthy snacks. Farmer’s MarKid: Our MarKid takes free fresh fruits and vegetables to wherever kids need us: food deserts, parks, playgrounds, after school programs, high need schools, and other nonprofits.