Imagination Library of Putnam County
Children born in Putnam County since the summer of 2005 have been eligible to receive a book each month until their fifth birthday, delivered to their family’s mailbox with their name on it, ensuring a personal library of 60 books by age five! 2005 is when the Putnam County Chapter of the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library began in our community. It is through the various foundation and governmental efforts, in partnership with the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, that make “free to every child from birth to five” possible. After all, young children are the first to understand, appreciate, and grow from the idea that “Books aren’t made of pages and words. They’re made of hopes, dreams, and possibilities. These books ensure that 3,194 children who participate go to kindergarten with a common reading foundation. Helping children to receive books — priceless.