Hope’s Community Closet
Neighbors helping neighbors. Hope’s Community Closet is a non-profit 501(c)3 public charity organization. A boutique-style store which is set up in a way to ensure a comfortable “shopping experience”, we offer gently used (and new) clothing, shoes and backpacks at no cost to school aged kids and teens (kindergarten-12th grade) from low income families in the Temecula Valley and surrounding communities. Families are referred to Hope’s through schools, churches, county social services and partner non-profits. All students who receive free/reduced priced lunches in Temecula/Murrieta School Districts have an automatic referral into the program! Growing kids need new clothes each year and purchasing that clothing can be a hardship for families who are struggling financially. We are here to assist in relieving the burden for parents and in helping kids feel confident and happy by providing quality clothing to wear to school.