Homeless Connections
Since 1981, Homeless Connections has adapted to meet the needs of people both homeless and at-risk of homelessness in the Fox Valley community. Our mission: ending homelessness by connecting individuals and families to resources that promote self-sufficiency and prevent future homeless episodes. As an organization, we collaborate with the community in the fight to end homelessness and work to improve the quality of living for all people. Volunteers started the organization to provide shelter to people experiencing homelessness in the community by providing motel vouchers. A growing need for shelter led to the lease of a home in 1983 and then the purchase of a home in 1986. This home was later expanded to 25 beds in 1995. A case manager was also hired in 1995 to connect residents to community resources. A second case manager was hired and a 78-bed shelter was constructed in 1997, which is where Homeless Connections is housed today.