Friendship Place
Friendship Place (FP) was originally a program of NAMI Neenah-Menasha, which began around 1988. NAMI started the drop-in center for people with mental illness, which originally used church facilities, and then moved to the present location in 1991. In 1999 the United Way of the Fox Cities requested that NAMI review the organizational structure of FP to consider adding a full-time staff position to direct the operation. A separate 501 (c) 3 corporation was formed soon after, and a full-time executive director was sought to oversee the operation. Since then, Friendship Place (FP) has been encouraging adults with mental illness to live well by fostering an environment that provides members with peer support, advocacy, and education. FP is a social, educational, and recreational outreach drop-in center for adults with severe and persistent mental illness that is designed to encourage participation in social and educational opportunities both at the drop-in center and in the community. We are a place to reach out and make a difference to people with mental illness and encourage them to be more active, contributing members of our community. A place where people can safely gather in a clean, non-judgmental, comfortable setting where they can lead a more normal life, develop interpersonal relationship skills, and build self-esteem.