Cold Cap-Ital Fund
Launched in late 2017, Cold Capital Fund provides financial assistance to DC/MD/VA chemotherapy patients who want to prevent hair loss using scalp cooling/cold caps but cannot afford it. Hair loss is the most devastating side effect of chemotherapy. Nearly 10% of cancer patients will opt out of treatment because of it and over 50% of cancer patients consider hair loss the most traumatic aspect of chemotherapy. Now FDAcleared, scalp cooling works. Yet, the technology is not covered by insurance and remains expensive. It’s out of reach for many cancer patients. Our goal is to give those patients the choice to try and prevent hair loss regardless of their ability to afford it. We subsidize the cost per patient up to $1,000 or 50% of the cost. So far, we have helped patients in Baltimore, DC and Charlottesville with applications coming in nearly weekly. In addition, we have successfully advocated for GW Hospital to make scalp cooling available to all breast cancer patients and are doing the same at other area hospitals. Cold Capital Fund is a DC non-profit/501(c)(3) corporation founded by Liz Lord, with the support and involvement of several other breast cancer survivors and successful cold cap users.