Chrysalis Women’s Transitional Living, INC.
Founded in 2001, Chrysalis Women’s Transitional Living responds to the overwhelming needs of women coming out of incarceration, addiction, abuse and homelessness who are seeking a new way to live. Chrysalis is an environment where women take the necessary steps away from their former destructive lifestyles, toward independence, healing and freedom, through transitional living, support, accountability, structure and safety. The goals and dreams of displaced women are thwarted when they have nowhere to return to, but to their former destructive environments. Women coming out of these situations are in great need not only for a place to live, but also for a home where they can heal and begin a new life that they can be proud of. Our six and 18- month recovery programs give women the tools, resources, and leadership to encourage and support their transition back into the community as successful contributing members. Women reside in our two homes with 24 beds, have full time employment, pay a program fee, and attend treatment, recovery and life skill classes. Working with counselors, probation officers, social workers and vocational rehabilitation centers, Chrysalis helps to re-unite with their families, stop the cycle of addiction and abuse.