Christian Cupboard Emergency Food Shelf
In addition to our regular food shelf service, which serves approximately 1000 households each month, CCEFS operates the following programs. Wildcard Wednesday. We collect approximately 2,000 pounds of products every weekday through food rescue. This healthy, fresh food is still viable but left unsold and on its way to the dumpster. We redistribute this healthy food to 250-270 families each Wednesday who are eager to acquire the extra nutritious food. Mobile Food Shelf. Our Mobile Food Shelf delivers food to five low-income senior housing facilities, serving over 500 seniors each month. Through our Mobile Food Shelf, these seniors receive a delivery of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy, and dry goods. Produce Fairs. We host two Produce Fairs each month on Saturdays, where we distribute a large quantity of fresh produce that we receive from our local food bank. We serve an average of 350-400 households at each Fair.