Drivers For Survivors
Drivers For Survivors (DFS) provides free transportation service and supportive companionship for ambulatory cancer patients, from suspicious findings through completion of treatments. This service is provided to all medical-related doctor appointments for those undergoing cancer diagnosis and treatment within a 60-mile radius from DFS Fremont headquarters, freeing them to focus on their health and essential treatment. We serve Fremont, Newark, and Union City. Expansion 7/1/17 to 6 additional areas. DFS Executive Director, Sherry Higgs, is a cancer survivor herself. She founded the organization based on personal experiences and challenges as she battled Inflammatory Breast Cancer in early 2010. She has seen, firsthand, the struggles that cancer patients dealt with – getting to and from their treatments. The sole focus should be on the fight against cancer, not struggling to find a way to get to the hospital. Sherry Higgs vowed to herself that after the battle was won, her life’s mission would be to take the transportation burden off the shoulders of other people fighting cancer.