That’d Be Stupid?!

“Impact Venture Capitalists!”

Hello Team…

Early Monday morning, my videographer and I, will board a plane to Frederick, MD, to document the launch of the 3rd Impact Club. In less than 90 days, Impact Club, thanks to Impact Venture Capitalists like yourself, has secured $184,400 in donation commitments to fund local charities.

Last night I booked a flight to Yuma, AZ, the home of the 4th Impact Club. I also booked a flight back to Northern VA, for the 2nd quarter event of Impact Club Northern VA, where we initially kicked off.

Then in April, we’re set to launch in 3 more local communities.


I’m reading a book right now, about the gamification of different types of businesses. It’s fascinating, because if you think about a “game,” no one has to play it. But yet, these people choose too. And often become addicted to them.

So why does this happen?

According to the book, this happens when a game designer bakes into the game, product or service, the Core Driver: Epic Meaning & Calling. The author states, “This is the drive where people are motivated because they believe they’re engaged in something bigger than themselves.

Which brings me to an observation, written by my friend Max:

“My daughter Ryann is learning to play golf. We hit balls almost every day at the range … Golf is a tough sport to learn … but Ryann’s really been dedicated and and it gives us something to do together as I try to make up for lost time.

A month or so ago, while at the range I see this kid getting dropped off by his mom, nice looking Tahoe, nice looking kid, sharply dressed. While that’s not uncommon at the golf course, I’m fighting the urge to stereotype him. I know what it looks like and feels like to be a “rich kid,” so my radar is tuned to decide “good kid — hard worker” or “spoiled — maybe someday he’ll figure it out.”

The kid walks up to the range and goes about his business quietly. He’s about 10 yards away, so I can’t help but notice there’s something different about him. I look closer, sure enough he has a hearing aid and this one is serious, it even has a part that’s attached to his head behind his ear, an implant.

All of a sudden I find myself rooting for this kid … I don’t even know him but now I’m pulling for him, I’m trying not to stare … I want to know his name, how long he’s had this device as a part of his life, did he have to fight through kids teasing him early on, what’s it like when he doesn’t have it connected?

I wonder if he’s drawn to golf because it doesn’t require a helmet or is it because there’s no impact, no whistle? There’s something about the struggle that endears me, the human will to overcome an unequal playing field.

He was probably very young, in a Dr.’s office at one point, his parents looking at each other as the Dr. explains what’s going on. The kid looking on with uncertainty, while the parents look at each other and try to overcome their own. Realizing it’s no-one’s fault and feeling that inner voice for the first time that questions a person’s resilience; knowing there’s no textbook for the strength they will need to find and transfer to a kid that will have to brave it alone to a great degree.

Without saying a word, without needing to hear anything, the quiet confidence of this kid practicing golf alone inspires me to believe he’s going to be just fine. I’m rooting for him and imagining he may someday say, that his setback helped him focus, helped him narrow down what he’s good at, helped him escape and just put the ball in play like everyone else. Better than everyone else.”

Which brings me to my point, and the addiction of Impact Club:

To be clear.

I don’t know the real story behind this little boy’s situation. Neither does Max. But someone does. And maybe that little boy is autistic. Or, maybe he’s not. Maybe there’s nothing wrong with him at all. And I hope there isn’t. But for many little boys and girls, that isn’t true. Some kids, and their families, need the help, support, and resources, of a local charitable organization. Everything from basic necessities; like food, clothes, new shoes that don’t have holes in them, underwear. To more specific kinds of support, for a loved one who battles cancer. While some families need resources to learn how to best deal with a child who has autism.

The list of ways that local charities support and serve their community is almost beyond measure. Which is why, I’m pretty damn sure, Impact Club has become so important to members so quickly.

Because of that Core Driver: Epic Meaning & Calling.

We all want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. And like Max, the Impact Venture Capitalist can’t help but to root for and want to help those in the community, that are faced with obstacles and challenge.

Impact Venture Capitalism, at its core, is about investing in the Human Spirit.


Last week, I had another meeting with my tech team. The front-end websites are in their final stages of design. Then, from what I understand the programmers must “slice” them, whatever that means. I imagine though it’s important.

I had a meeting last week too, with several the motion graphics guys. When it comes to any venture, it lives or dies, and succeeds faster or slower, based on the effectivenss of your marketing and storytelling.

So, with motion graphics, you can do some really cool things.

The problem?

It’s super expensive. Like $26,000 expensive, for 5 minutes worth of complex motion graphics to enhance the story. For now, the jury is still out on whether or not it would be worth the outlay of capital.

If I choose to go that route, I may just decide to spend another $25-$30K and hire a motion graphics person on staff. Like I said, still undecided on that.

As far graphics, those are coming along nicely. We have Greg to thank for that. Above is the mockup of the first Leaderboard design and concept, briefly demonstrating how they’ll appear and function.

Someone asked me the other day, “Why not just donate all this money I’m spending on Impact Club to a local charity.” I responded, “Wouldn’t that be kind of stupid?” After all, I have about $150K so far invested, and just in the first three launches, we’ve already secured over $184K in committed donations.

If I just donated my $150K, poof!

It would be gone.

But by investing it in Impact Club, together, we are building an oil well to provide perpetual funding to local charities.

The key to understand? None of us could do it alone!


By the end of 2017, we will have raised millions to fund local charities.

-Ryan Fletcher

Co-Founder, Impact Club – forever Grateful.

PS: Encourage everyone you know to learn the Language of Story. If they do, life, business, fundraising, relationships, the attraction of opportunity, clients, money, love, etc. will be much easier for them.

About IC

Impact Club® is Crossfit® for those who want to make a difference. We are Impact Venture Capitalists. There are local and national leaderboards. We compete. We use our intelligence, connections, propensity to solve problems, committed hearts, and unrelenting conviction to turn small donations into huge impact.