James Storehouse
James Storehouse partners with local public and private child welfare agencies. James Storehouse fulfills emergency requests to expedite safe placement of babies and children and to assist aged-out youth as they transition. James Storehouse is inspired by the Bible verse, James 1:27, which “calls us to pursue religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless by providing for and looking after orphans and widows in distress.” James Storehouse answers this call to serve and support children in foster care and those aged-out of foster care. James Storehouse envisions a future where community members join together to care for those left vulnerable in our society, especially children in foster care. From cribs to college, James Storehouse supports children in foster care and those aging-out of foster care by providing resources that will ease transitions and improve living conditions. James Storehouse encourages awareness and motivates community participation in support of children in foster care. Children in the foster care system are more susceptible to a variety of challenges such as homelessness, incarceration, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, and limited education. Annually, over 20,000 age out of the system, many without the ability or support to transition effectively into independent living.