Alzheimer’s Society South Canterbury
Alzheimers could affect you, or someone you love. It could be a parent, or a partner or even your child! This disease of the brain takes away your life and your future, little by little. It makes enormous demands on those you love the most, as they become your support team. Alzheimers South Canterbury is focused on sharing that journey with those that are affected by dementia and their family and friends. Individual support, education and information are all available, for both those with this disease and those in a support role. Families are offered the opportunity to learn about the disease and its effects – because knowledge helps in dealing with the behaviours that can occur. This is provided through seminars by trained professionals, resources and meeting others involved in caring for a loved one. Help is at hand when time out is needed, with trained volunteers available to give the support person a break. And when listening ears are required, there is someone available there from this organization. Dementia has been referred to as the 36 Hour Day for those living with and supporting those with dementia – and walking this journey needs our support.