Charity for Charity
Charity for Charity is a wish fulfilling organization, fulfilling wishes to individuals with life threatening illness or traumatic injury. Each year, Charity for Charity selects 3 main beneficiaries, a child, young adult and adult. In February, we host a large golden globes style event at Pechanga where we present our beneficiaries with their wishes in front of 500 of our supporters. Some of the wishes we have granted include: mechanical hands and swimming legs to Amy, a quadruple amputee, a trip to Paris for our young adult Kassidy who suffered a brain Aneurysm at the age of 13, Tristan, our child beneficiary who suffered (and later passed away) was sent to New York for a Jets game complete with a coaches suite, field passes and meet and greet. Smaller wishes include brightening someone’s day with a budget of balloons to their hospital room, Uber gift cards to individuals who are unable to drive and throwing a princess themed birthday party for a little girl whose family couldn’t afford the expense. In total, Charity for Charity has granted approximately. 500 wishes and we are still going strong.