Veterans Therapeutic Gardens
Veterans Therapeutic Gardens was a collaboration founded by three local Realtors. This story started in 2011 when a local mother of an injured soldier received help from Vets-4-Success, a Boise non-profit committed to assisting soldiers coming home from war to deal with issues related to their service. This Veteran mother wanted to make sure that other veteran’s families knew that their veterans were also not forgotten, but were recognized, loved and supported by the community, and this was one way to “pay it forward”. Veterans Therapeutic Gardens built their first garden in Caldwell, now named Idaho Veterans Garden and currently is building one in Nampa at the Lighthouse Men’s Shelter where they have a Veterans Ministry to help veterans reintegrate into society. These gardens have become a place to not just plant vegetables, but a place for Veterans to meet, share and help each other. These gardens are being built by volunteers and with donations from not just people, but from our local businesses and organizations within the community. This ongoing support and involvement has become shining visual representation on how we can support our warriors and their families on a local level and in a meaningful way.