Upper Cumberland TN Reconnect Community
The Upper Cumberland TN Reconnect Community (UCTRC) is a free resource that provides the avenue for a new start – for a postsecondary degree or credential leading to career advancement or even a new career direction because “life happens,” changing the direction of lives from intended goals. In doing so, the UCTRC addresses the workforce preparedness of adults in the Upper Cumberland region. The program includes free academic advisement and support services provided by navigators/advisors working directly with adults who lack skills and the required postsecondary credential, providing support to and through graduation. Higher income, over time, means a better quality of life. It means a change in the quality of inheritance that Reconnectors will be giving to their children. It’s the end of a cycle and the start of something new that lasts for generations First generation students need more guidance throughout the college process and experience. The Upper Cumberland TN Reconnect Community is providing the needed support for adults; we are doing all we can to provide resources, guidance and that added reminder that yes, adults in our small rural area can go to college, receive degrees or certifications that will lead them to higher quality and better paying jobs to sustain themselves and their children.