Transformations By Boise Angels
The Problem: Children are removed from their homes and placed in foster care due to neglect, abandonment, or because they are the victim of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. When children are removed from the home, they are confused and upset, and they need the temporary protection and nurturing that a foster family can provide. In the foster care system, children move homes an average of 7 times in 2 years. This is usually because foster parents feel unsupported or overwhelmed, and currently, there are around 1300 children in foster care in Idaho. Our Solution: The Boise Angels Love Box program provides foster families with community and holistic support, so they can continue to do the important and meaningful work of being a foster parents. Love Box groups are matched with local foster families based on compatibility and scope of needs. When our families are matched with committed volunteers that show up monthly, parents feel supported and children gain a sense of belonging and self-confidence. Our dream is to see every child in the foster care system supported by a Love Box group and every youth supported by a Dare to Dream mentor.