The Children’s Village
For over twenty-seven years, Children’s Village has served as a residential home for children who have been abused, neglected or are in a severe family crisis. Children come into care through a placement by the Department of Health and Welfare (DHW), police sheltering or are privately placed by their parents. Approximately ½ of the placements come from DHW and ½ are privately placed by the children’s parents. Private placements are typically the result of a severe family crisis, such as homelessness, domestic violence, substance abuse and/or a mental health crisis. Length of stay ranges from two days to more than a year. Since opening our doors in 1990, we have served over 2,200 of this community’s most vulnerable children. We provide shelter, meals, personal necessities, mentorships, outings and transportation to the child’s school of origin, counseling, medical and dental appointments. We are a trauma informed care facility with a focus on facilitating the healing process. Most importantly, we are a place to call home, to feel safe and to be loved. We have an operating budget of ~$1M and receive only around 5% of our funding from the State and are heavily dependent upon, and extremely grateful for, our supporters.