Project Mend-A-House
For over 30 years, Project Mend-A-House (PMAH) has assisted seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, and low-income residents of Prince William County, Manassas and Manassas Park clients remain and age-in-place safely and independently in their own homes. Our primary program is home repair, safety, and accessibility modifications; our volunteers build wheelchair accessible ramps, motorized lifts, modify doorways, secure flooring, repair leaky faucets, restore electricity and make basic home repairs. Often, we find that, no matter how safe and accessible we make their homes, clients still need a basic level of health to remain safe and independent. With that in mind, we partner with George Mason University to provide a fall prevention focused exercise class and offer an evidence-based Chronic Disease/Diabetes Self-Management workshop that was developed at Stanford University. We provide adaptive daily living aids such as motorized chairlifts (stair climbers), hospital beds, portable ramps, raised toilet seats, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, and personal emergency response systems. All of our programs are completely free based on income qualification. During our 30+ year history, Project Mend-A-House volunteers have completed over 300 ramps and over 10,000 safety repairs and modifications, donating close to 200,000 man-hours!