Oregon Horse Rescue
Oregon Horse Rescue began in November of 2012, when founders Jane and David Kelly found an ad online for a big, white draft horse named Kate Sue. The horse was so badly neglected– starved and hundreds of pounds underweight with her ribs and spine protruding– that the local vets didn’t think she was even worth saving. After acquiring the horse (and a few others that came with her), the Kelly’s purchased a 70-acre farm in the beautiful Willamette valley, became certified as a non-profit, and began to save other horses that would otherwise have no other options. Oregon Horse Rescue is now home to 26 rescue horses that each have their own storied pasts– some blind, some abandoned and abused. More than half of the OHR horses are sanctuary residents and will live out the rest of their lives happily on the property, while others are in the rehabilitation process with the goal of finding them a loving, forever home. The work of rescue is not easy– but it’s needed here locally and we are honored to be able to work with the community to help heal such deserving horses.