Oops Foundation
OOPS! Foundation is a youth development nonprofit that fosters self-confidence, leadership skills, and positive decision making in underserved youth at risk youth. OOPS! Foundation was created to help highly at- risk adolescents break cycles of negative risk-taking, violence and addiction. Through our initiative, which relies heavily on community relations and best practices through the use of evidence based programs adolescents learn strategies to carve out a new way of life – helping them break cycles of negative high-risk behavior; heal shame, anger and grief; and emerge with a new sense of self and a positive future orientation. The goal of the program is to identify youth who may be susceptible to a turbulent transition to adulthood and offer a positive support system with linkage to services which provide a wraparound support to avoid the common pitfalls that can derail their lives. OOPS! Foundation’s program offers: resources and training for professionals who work with at-risk youth and their families, Job readiness skills, employment counseling, work experience and training, case management and other supportive services, cutting edge mentoring program, educational and Behavioral and Mental Health Support, and an Online High School Diploma.