One Child
OneChild is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing disadvantaged children with new clothing and school supplies. Our goal is to promote self-esteem in underprivileged children, so they may appreciate their individual worth, and have an opportunity to do better not only in school but in life! This fiscal year we branched out into Union City and worked with Kidszone, CaraVan and Leadership Fremont to provide over 93 children with the supplies listed below. Each child receives the following new clothing: 2 pairs of jeans, 3 shirts, 1 package of socks & underwear, 1 sweatshirt and sweatpants, 1 gift card for shoes from Payless, School/dental supplies and books. We have served over 6,100 children over the last 16 years. A child who doesn’t have what other children have, often gets bullied and/or made to feel that they are “less than” other children. My mother Bernadine Dutra suffered through this as a child and didn’t come out of it until she was in her 30’s. Her mother was an alcoholic an abandoned her and her 3 brothers. She literally was surrounded, taunted as a little girl, and someone actually spat on my mother! How would you feel if this happened to you?