OCJ Kids
OCJ Kids’ mission is to equip at risk and foster youth with tools, resources and healthy relationships to succeed and excel in every area of life. Our Vision; Connecting at-risk & foster youth with caring communities for support and assistance, creating a foundation of family for children and youth who have none, and Cultivating at-risk & foster youth with purpose, direction, hope and a brighter future. OCJ Kids was founded in 1992, partnering with the local community to provide services, resources and caring adults to address the needs of the most vulnerable in our society. In 1994, OCJ hosted its first on campus after school program, and in 1996 opened its first of nine off campus “Target Zone” community youth centers, one serving as a certified Teen Court with the Arizona juvenile justice department. In 2006, OCJ started the Fostering Connections Program to connect the business and faith communities with the more than 16,000 children in Arizona’s foster care system. In 2012, OCJ Kids launched the Transition Success Center project, providing daily essentials, emergency removal supplies and visitation rooms for children in the foster care. OCJ Kids currently provides services and resources to over 4,600 foster children throughout Arizona.